Inter-Dimensional Wellness

You Are More Than Your Physical Body

Our virtual world abounds with advice and information for keeping your physical body healthy and fabulous.  When our bodies are sick, there are many professionals available to assist us in recovery.  When we are emotionally unwell, we may choose to seek the help of a qualified therapist or counselor. But where do we go when none of these modalities is enough to bring us back into balance?  To whom do we turn to when we suffer from an illness of the spirit?

All of the facets of your existence deserve the opportunity for respect, healing, and growth.  Here at Cerulean Serpent I see each individual holistically as an interdimensional being having a human experience.  I strive to support you primarily on an energetic and spiritual level, as I have seen from first hand experience how healing the spirit tends to also support healing of the mind, the emotions, and the physical body. 

Start by tending the seed of your soul and all else will naturally blossom.

At Cerulean Serpent I offer services and products to support your inter-dimensional healing, growth, activation, and empowerment.  I care about creating a safe space for your energy.  I aim to maintain a high level of spiritual hygiene and balance in order to share frequencies that are loving, calm, and expansive.  I endeavor to create a chrysalis made of both shadow and light in which you feel supported and safe to transform into and communicate with all the facets of your being.