Glamour Glitz
100% Plastic Free Biodegradable Glitter
Why choose between between being Fabulous and Defending the Ocean from microplastics? You'd like to add in some Magical Magnetism as well? Don't mind if i do!
I am very pleased to introduce you to my Glamour Glitz bioglitter blends.
The base of these blends is a certified 100% Plastic Free Biodegradable glitter made out of an ethically sourced, sustainable, non-gmo source of plant cellulose with guaranteed biodegradation in a natural, freshwater environment. True bioglitter will always be hexagonal in shape, a keen eye is necessary as frauds and swindlers abound in this arena.
I have blended various sizes, shades, and finishes of this bioglitter together into a palate of aesthetic choices fit for the Finest Fey Royalty. Each blend mixes four sizes of each of three colors of bioglitter. Your optically titillating options are as follows:
Fey ~ Gentle Green, Iridescent Green, and Golden Yellow
Siren ~ Blue, Iridescent Blue, and Soft Silvery Grey
Pyra ~ Rusty Orange, Golden Yellow, and Autumnal Red
Succubus ~ Cherubic Pink, Fierce Magenta, and Iridescent Pink
Phantom ~ Iridescent Blue, Iridescent Pink, Iridescent Green
Each blend comes packaged in a reusable 1/4 dram glass vial with screw top lid.
Glamour Glitz, when applied to the face, is best used with a tiny dab of the glitter primer of your choice (generic lip balm works great). Also makes a great spell component or offering on altars, indoors or out.
The aura of Glamour cast by the Glitz can be intensified by eye contact, deep breathing, and the following repeated mentally: Crowned Thrice I Entice With Fire & Ice
May The Fierce Be With You!